group management

Improve Your Business and Member Experience with Nucleus: A Branded Platform for Virtual Meetings and Collaboration

As a professional coach, facilitator, or educator, it’s important to have a platform that allows you to effectively communicate and collaborate with your members. Nucleus is a branded platform specifically designed for virtual meetings, chat, goals, and notes, making it an excellent choice for those looking to enhance their member experience and grow their business.

Release 242

New: API POST: Create member
New: Infinity Score API endpoints
New: API endpoints for messages
New: Read only chat channels
New: Users can save/unsave chat messages
New: Invite members to community from the invitation page without adding to a group
New: Users receive an email notification when a goal has been assigned to them
New: Users receive an email notification when a goal has been shared with them
New: Users receive an email notification when a goal or milestone is past due
New: Users receive an email notification when a goal or milestone shared with them (watcher status) is past due
New: Users receive an email notification when a goal or milestone shared with them (watcher status) has been completed

New: Users can turn on/off goal notification emails
New: Admins can disable goal notification emails organization wide
New: Admins can edit goal notification emails organization wide
New: Activity summary email
New: Adjust delivery frequency for activity summary email
Updated: Custom branding color applied to login page
Updated: Mobile UX improvements for goals table
Fixed: “nameless chat” error
Fixed: API not returning all meetings for meetings created via API
Fixed: Agenda overlapping screen share
Fixed: Video automatically reverts back to grid view after screen share has been ended
Fixed: Meeting attendees not saving for duplicated goals
Fixed: Video “zoom in and freeze” bug
Fixed: Messaging loading and ux bugs
Fixed: New meeting creation error
Fixed: Twilio error 53400

Release 241

New: Email notification for missed chat messages
New: Email notification for missed @ mentions in chat messages
New: Add custom link to main menu
New: Add custom field to member profile and optionally hide it from members
New: API endpoints for members – GET: list of members, PUT: update member, DELETE: remove member from organization or group
Update: API endpoint for groups – PUT: update group
Fix: Chat bugs
Fix: SSL error

Release 240

New: Invite groups and/or individuals to meetings
New: Pinned messages in chat channels
New: Hashed urls for meetings without groups for enhanced security
Update: Chat link preview server upgrade
Update: Enhanced meeting recording resolution
Fixed: Wordpress SSO bugs
Fixed Chat paragraph formatting
Fixed: API GET error – Redirect not allowed for preflight request
Fixed: “You are not a member of this channel” error when switching organizations from the chat page

Release 238

New: Create meetings without a group
New: View meeting history for meetings without a group restricted to attendees only
New Facilitator meeting creation permission settings can be set to organization wide or restricted to assigned groups
New Facilitator direct message permission settings can be set to organization wide or restricted to assigned groups or set to none
New: Request API Key feature added to organization settings integration page
New: API endpoints for meetings
New: API documentation
Update: Mobile support enhancements
Create meetings page
Past meetings table
Goals table
Member profile goals table
Update: Branding color used for more links, buttons and hover states
Update: Group capacity shown on group details page
Update: “Disable Community” modal ux/ui improvements
Fixed: Signed in members can request guest access to meetings in groups they aren’t a member of
Fixed: New direct message loading and other chat bugs

Release 237

Updated: Admins can restrict member permissions for direct messages to no one, only group members or allow community wide
Update: Members can only share goals with other users in their groups, Facilitators can share across groups
Update: Members can only create goals for themselves, Facilitators can assign to their group members
Update: Meeting notes auto save notification displayed in notes panel instead of flash notification
Updated: Group capacity shown on group details page
Updated: Empty group description allowed without showing “no description”
Updated: Mobile UX/UI improvements
Updated: Member management UX/UI improvements (drop down menus on tables)
Update: Groups table UX/UI improvements
Update: Chat UX/UI improvements – add members moved to side panel and unused icons removed
Fixed: New DM from member profile bug

Release 236

New: Edit channel names in messaging
New: Assigned note taker name is displayed with meeting notes during the meeting
New: Custom branding colors used for main menu icons
New: Bulk select members on the group page to remove from group
Updated: Meeting description/summary max characters increased to 5000
Fixed: Attachments can be sent in chat without text
Fixed: Link previews sized to fit display window
Fixed: Meeting agenda start bug
Fixed: Chat loading bug
Fixed: Member profiles for members who don’t share a group cannot be accessed when community feature is disabled
Fixed: Phone icon hidden if no phone number is added to the member profile
Fixed: Date input is disabled when Instant Meeting option is selected
Fixed: Organization switcher access on mobile devices
Fixed: Mobile view for groups table

Release 234

New: All usernames link to user profiles
New: Chat flash notifications include Nucleus logo or custom organization logo
Update: Group Details UI/UX improvements
Update: Organization Settings UI/UX improvements
Update: Join Meeting link removed from chat after meeting ends
Update: All systems messages in chat include date and timestamp
Fix: Meeting history page only shows chats posted during the associated meeting

Release 233

New: Bulk select members on members directory and add to group or create new group.
New: Next meeting, last meeting, meeting frequency, active goals, past due goals, start date, end date and # of members columns on group tables
New: Filter groups by number of member and meeting frequency on group tables
New: Filter members on member tables
New: Show member timezone in member tables
New: User role column on member tables
New: # of groups column on member tables
Update: Organization Owner, Admins and Facilitators can assign goals to others- members can only create goals for themselves and can also edit others goals when permission has been granted
Update: Messaging ux/ui improvements
Update: Goals ux/ui improvements
Update: Member Directory ux/ui improvements
Fix: Meeting agenda sounds are on by default and can be muted from left menu
Fix: Messaging notifications shown on main menu icon, browser tab and browser push

Release 232

Updated: User name shown on avatar hover
Updated: Adjusted side panel animation to improve ux
Updated: Removed delete icon from group page
Updated: Entire row click targets in tables
Updated: Ellipses menu interaction for Goals
Menu can open on tap or hover
Removed delay when opening via hover
Updated default container to show click area
Active state shown when menu is open
Updated: Account Settings UX/UI improvements
Page headings
Label and description to turn “Messaging Feature” on/off in the general settings
Updated: Chat visual styles
Input style
Spacing issues on modal
Color of unread message notice
Unread notification colors
Channel Member’s panel height
Circle plus buttons centered
Circle plus button should uses org button color
Spacing between channel type header and count
Count text color matches label text color
Font size on avatar for initials
Mobile hamburger uses org button color
Sidebar active state uses org color
Sidebar hover state
Fixed: “View Details” button for 3rd party conference meetings opens “Meeting Detail” page
Fixed: Removed + channel button for “Groups” channels