New: Option for participants to blur their background during virtual meetings
New: Threaded chat replies
New: Agenda with timer for 3rd party conference meetings including goals for spotlight segments
New: Live notes for 3rd party conference meetings
New: Chat messages for 3rd party conference meetings
New: Attendance tracking for 3rd party conference meetings (via the live agenda)
Fixed: Past meeting chat messages not showing during active meetings
Fixed: Activity Summary email bug
Fixed: Past meeting notes showing out of order (current meeting was showing 2nd not first)
Updated: Twilio STUN IRI
Fixed: Bug preventing removing members from groups
Fixed: Chat notification emails not being sent
Fixed: Chat push notifications not being sent
meeting notes
Release 245
New: Participants can view past meeting notes during an active meeting
New: Note taker can edit past meeting notes during an active meeting
New: Option to send a reminder email when a 3rd party conference meeting starts
New: Allow users to disable notifications for goals shared with them
New: Admins and facilitators can mute agenda sounds for all participants
New: Admins can disable activity summary email by user role (all, member, facilitator)
New: Mobile support for meeting details page
New: Mobile support for goal creation
New: Option to include dial in information for 3rd party conference meetings
New: Security measures to stop brute force login attacks
Updated: SSL certificates renewed for custom domains
Updated: Goal sharing UX/UI
Fixed: #Town Square and #Off-Topic system message clean up to use display names
Fixed: Removed access for refunded AppSumo codes
Fixed: Goal assignee being listed as watcher
Fixed: Twilio error
Fixed: Chat attachments not being deleted until refresh
Fixed: Spotlight presenter mode switching when time added was added to the agenda
Fixed: Device permission error for some browser types
Fixed: Wrong date showing for next meeting on groups page meeting table
Fixed: Wrong meeting attendee count showing (group was being counted as attendee)
Fixed: Removed broken “number per page” selector for meeting history
Fixed: Errors caused by deleted users
Release 236
New: Edit channel names in messaging
New: Assigned note taker name is displayed with meeting notes during the meeting
New: Custom branding colors used for main menu icons
New: Bulk select members on the group page to remove from group
Updated: Meeting description/summary max characters increased to 5000
Fixed: Attachments can be sent in chat without text
Fixed: Link previews sized to fit display window
Fixed: Meeting agenda start bug
Fixed: Chat loading bug
Fixed: Member profiles for members who don’t share a group cannot be accessed when community feature is disabled
Fixed: Phone icon hidden if no phone number is added to the member profile
Fixed: Date input is disabled when Instant Meeting option is selected
Fixed: Organization switcher access on mobile devices
Fixed: Mobile view for groups table
Release 225
Fixed: White screen in meetings
Fixed: Audio of other participants muted on refresh
Fixed: Audio crossing issues – some participants not able to hear others
Fixed: Duplicate chat channel showing when new group created
Updated: Meeting notes character limit increased to 50,000
New: Meeting notes autosave
Release 224
Fixed: Camera connectivity bugs
Fixed: Microphone connectivity bugs
Fixed: Chat connectivity bugs
Fixed: Meeting loading bugs
Fixed: Email validation bugs
Fixed: Device compatibility bugs
Fixed: Meeting notes bugs
Release 223
Fixed: Error message for custom email domain
Fixed: Group title displayed on members cards
Fixed: Goals not showing in meeting
Fixed: Goal links open in new window from active meeting
Fixed: Meeting guests removal bug
New: Facilitators can mute agenda sounds
New: Meeting guests shown on meeting history
New: Clickable Links in meeting notes
New: Change default routing for users without a group
New: Show agenda details on meeting history
New: Stop recording in meeting
New: Delete meeting recordings
New: Additional Rollbar.js integration for bug tracking
New: Add Swagger and Swagger-UI for API documentation
New: Hide organization switcher for members with only one group
New: Add “Copy invite link” feature
New: Clickable agenda links
Release 201
New: “End the meeting” notification when the user is left alone in the meeting
New: Create a log of users joining/leaving the meeting
New: Add promo code to plan page
New: Public chat channels
Update: Meeting notes enhancements
Fix: Delete the “delete button” from the meeting card
Fix: Editing chat messages
Fix: Quick design fixed
Fix: Pin shared screen at the start of screen share:
Fix: Random bug squashing