
Release 238

New: Create meetings without a group
New: View meeting history for meetings without a group restricted to attendees only
New Facilitator meeting creation permission settings can be set to organization wide or restricted to assigned groups
New Facilitator direct message permission settings can be set to organization wide or restricted to assigned groups or set to none
New: Request API Key feature added to organization settings integration page
New: API endpoints for meetings
New: API documentation
Update: Mobile support enhancements
Create meetings page
Past meetings table
Goals table
Member profile goals table
Update: Branding color used for more links, buttons and hover states
Update: Group capacity shown on group details page
Update: “Disable Community” modal ux/ui improvements
Fixed: Signed in members can request guest access to meetings in groups they aren’t a member of
Fixed: New direct message loading and other chat bugs

Release 203

New: Add/Remove members to message channels
New: Edit Channel description
New: Add WordPress integration option
New: Allow guests to join the meeting + pre-check status for guests
New: Allow facilitators to admit/deny guests to the virtual meeting room
Fix: General Bug Squashing and UX improvements