meeting recording

Release 240

New: Invite groups and/or individuals to meetings
New: Pinned messages in chat channels
New: Hashed urls for meetings without groups for enhanced security
Update: Chat link preview server upgrade
Update: Enhanced meeting recording resolution
Fixed: Wordpress SSO bugs
Fixed Chat paragraph formatting
Fixed: API GET error – Redirect not allowed for preflight request
Fixed: “You are not a member of this channel” error when switching organizations from the chat page

Release 223

Fixed: Error message for custom email domain
Fixed: Group title displayed on members cards
Fixed: Goals not showing in meeting
Fixed: Goal links open in new window from active meeting
Fixed: Meeting guests removal bug
New: Facilitators can mute agenda sounds
New: Meeting guests shown on meeting history
New: Clickable Links in meeting notes
New: Change default routing for users without a group
New: Show agenda details on meeting history
New: Stop recording in meeting
New: Delete meeting recordings
New: Additional Rollbar.js integration for bug tracking
New: Add Swagger and Swagger-UI for API documentation
New: Hide organization switcher for members with only one group
New: Add “Copy invite link” feature
New: Clickable agenda links

Release 206

New: Allow members to use community chat without being in a group
Update: Chat sync enhancements
Update: General UX improvements
Update: WP SSO setup improvements
Update: Migrated past meetings table to Ant Design + Enhance
Update: Moved past meeting detail to new page

Professional Networking

Build your private members area with member profiles and let your members connect with group and private messages.

Host virtual meetings that include goal tracking, agendas, and timers.

Get everything you need with one tool. Run thriving and rewarding communities without all the hassle.

Executive Coaching

For coaches, coaching companies, and companies that coach their employees.
Virtual meetings with built-in goal tracking, agendas, and timers help you spend more time on growth.

Release 197

New: Registration flow – choose your organization type
New: Group names are now links in the member table
New: Mute participant
New: Start/join meeting button opens in new tab
New: User menu added to active meeting
New: Recording notifications and acknolwedgement
Updated: Meeting layout on mobile devices
Updated: Video layout grid (eliminate panel overlapping videos)
Updated: Route users to Groups > Meetings tab as default
Updated: Infinity score – charts, future dates, styles, month/year labels
Updated: Move permission alert for notification above content
Updated: custom domain copy
Updated: Page layouts and designs
Updated: Meeting header, layout and content
Fixed: Ellipses menu not showing on tables
Fixed Video bugs (aspect ratio, “twitch”)
Fixed: Safari video support
Fixed: Goal adding bug
Fixed: Audio/video control issues
Fixed: Audio/video settings maintained from pre-check
Fixed: Meeting record error

Remote Teams

Stop wasting time jumping around and searching in 5-7 different tools to manage your team and projects.

Save time and increase productivity with centralized communication for your workplace.

Mastermind Groups

Enhance your member experience.

Run more groups, increase revenue, and get better results with centralized communication for your mastermind groups.

Virtual Classes

Run Focused and Engaging Virtual Classes.

Help more students, and get better results by having centralized communication for your virtual classes.

Unite your workplace communication with nucleus

Unite your communication in a centralized platform and bring your meetings, messages, goals, and notes into one place to increase productivity and focus.