mobile support

Release 245

New: Participants can view past meeting notes during an active meeting
New: Note taker can edit past meeting notes during an active meeting
New: Option to send a reminder email when a 3rd party conference meeting starts
New: Allow users to disable notifications for goals shared with them
New: Admins and facilitators can mute agenda sounds for all participants
New: Admins can disable activity summary email by user role (all, member, facilitator)
New: Mobile support for meeting details page
New: Mobile support for goal creation
New: Option to include dial in information for 3rd party conference meetings
New: Security measures to stop brute force login attacks
Updated: SSL certificates renewed for custom domains
Updated: Goal sharing UX/UI
Fixed: #Town Square and #Off-Topic system message clean up to use display names
Fixed: Removed access for refunded AppSumo codes
Fixed: Goal assignee being listed as watcher
Fixed: Twilio error
Fixed: Chat attachments not being deleted until refresh
Fixed: Spotlight presenter mode switching when time added was added to the agenda
Fixed: Device permission error for some browser types
Fixed: Wrong date showing for next meeting on groups page meeting table
Fixed: Wrong meeting attendee count showing (group was being counted as attendee)
Fixed: Removed broken “number per page” selector for meeting history
Fixed: Errors caused by deleted users

Release 239

New: Guests can participate in meeting chat
New: Integrate rswag to automatically generate API docs
Update: Improved UX/UI for creating a meeting not assigned to a group
Update: Improved UX/UI for guest permissions when creating/editing a meeting
Update: Clean up user profile to remove old profile background input
Update: Clean up mobile view for groups table on the member profile page
Update: Video Meeting room code performance upgrade
Update: UX/UI improvements – menu icon colors and backgrounds
Update: Meeting announcement is deleted from chat after meeting is completed
Fixed: GET api/meetings 500 error when getting all meetings for admin
Fixed: POST api/meetings – “group must exist” error when creating meeting without a group assigned
Fixed: Chat Guest bugs
Fixed: Paragraph formatting in chat messages
Fixed: Meeting started email notification error

Release 238

New: Create meetings without a group
New: View meeting history for meetings without a group restricted to attendees only
New Facilitator meeting creation permission settings can be set to organization wide or restricted to assigned groups
New Facilitator direct message permission settings can be set to organization wide or restricted to assigned groups or set to none
New: Request API Key feature added to organization settings integration page
New: API endpoints for meetings
New: API documentation
Update: Mobile support enhancements
Create meetings page
Past meetings table
Goals table
Member profile goals table
Update: Branding color used for more links, buttons and hover states
Update: Group capacity shown on group details page
Update: “Disable Community” modal ux/ui improvements
Fixed: Signed in members can request guest access to meetings in groups they aren’t a member of
Fixed: New direct message loading and other chat bugs

Release 236

New: Edit channel names in messaging
New: Assigned note taker name is displayed with meeting notes during the meeting
New: Custom branding colors used for main menu icons
New: Bulk select members on the group page to remove from group
Updated: Meeting description/summary max characters increased to 5000
Fixed: Attachments can be sent in chat without text
Fixed: Link previews sized to fit display window
Fixed: Meeting agenda start bug
Fixed: Chat loading bug
Fixed: Member profiles for members who don’t share a group cannot be accessed when community feature is disabled
Fixed: Phone icon hidden if no phone number is added to the member profile
Fixed: Date input is disabled when Instant Meeting option is selected
Fixed: Organization switcher access on mobile devices
Fixed: Mobile view for groups table

Release 210

Fixed: Chat not scrolling with new messages
Fixed: Weird text showing up in avatar in active meeting
Fixed: Access Type showing on top of group dropdown in meeting form
Update: Removed mobile devices not supported warning modal
Fixed: Active state in meeting room stuck

Release 209

New: Added link to change hardware settings on mobile
Fixed: Video resize bug
Updated: Chat meeting start/end notifications link styling
Updated: meeting pre-check moved to live meeting URL
Updated: End meeting confirmation modal
Fixed: Camera settings not saved from precheck
Fixed: Chat new organization bug
Fixed: Chat not always loading

Release 208

New: Link to change hardware settings on mobile meeting experience
Update: Moved meeting pre-check experience into the live meeting URL
Update: End meeting confirmation modal
Fixed: Camera settings not saved from precheck
Fixed: Chat loading issues
Fixed: Videos resizing bug

Release 202

New: Show event log of users joining/leaving meeting on history page
New: Create and delete message channels
New: Unread message badges for active message channels
Updated: Mobile message open context menu functions
Updated: Migrated past meetings table to Ant Design + Enhancements
Updated: Meeting start/ended indicator styles and add link to join/summary
Fixed: Member accepted invite email bug
Fixed: Minor UX fixes
Fixed: Video source switching when camera turned off/on

Release 198

New: Team chat servers for each organization
Fix: Chat repeating in active meetings
Update: Supported browser notification
Update: Video conferencing performance enhancements
Update: Member avatars displayed with names in message channels
Update: Meeting agenda timer animation improved
Update: Close meeting agenda panel open by default on mobile devices
Update: Removed automatic script that forced meetings to end
Update: Meeting card design + add Group name
Update: Show formatting of meeting agenda items in-meeting